Vote in GA for Reps – altho we need more Rep fighters

Neo discusses Idiots on the Right Idiots on the right: burn it down in Georgia – The New Neo
The most useful idiots of all to the left are the useful idiots on the right, such as the ones saying to Republicans in Georgia: “Don’t vote for the GOP candidates for the Senate. That’ll show the lousy good-for-nothing GOP!”

Such a great blog, so many good comments.
With the video, I understand Gov. Kemp is now on board with signature verification.
Probably too little, too late …

Usually I’m in such agreement with Neo that I don’t even need to comment. So I try to add some other perspective, including support for hearing from semi-troll Montage, so as to get a specific case of how a Trump hating liberal thinks on an issue. He might well be here gloating a bit.

In this case, while I’m pretty strongly supporting those who vote FOR the two Reps, I don’t think the “steelman” argument has quite been made for not voting, and letting the Dems win the seats and the Senate. It hasn’t been merely a strawman by William, but … maybe merely a Tin-man arg so far?

The USA needs a Republican Party that is fighting, to win, elections. Many of the currently elected and appointed Reps are not such fighters.
How to change that?
Can we agree that we need more Rep fighters, tho we might disagree on the best way to get them? [in my own talks with liberals, I often try to emphasize our agreement on the goals – less racism, less sexism, more income for working poor]

First, there are two phases in “NOT voting for wimpy Reps”: 1) before the SC / state courts decide on certification, and 2) after Biden is officially declared the winner and before the vote (assuming Trump’s still 5% chance of winning fails). [Neo’s huge “useful idiots” accusation essentially assumes Biden has won, 95% likely but not yet a fact]

The main goal of “NOT voting wimpy Rep”: make Kemp & GA Reps push to not certify the election for GA because of fraud, since not pushing means they accept the fraud. How to show deep, “fighting spirit” anger? a) sit in PJs at a computer and complain about wimpy Reps not fighting (easy!), b) weekly / daily protests outside around the Capital of Georgia in Atlanta – by the thousands, hundreds of thousands (hard!).

Computers are supposed to make lives easier…

Trump is visiting Georgia Sat., Dec 5, 7pm – rally
Are you going, William? Others near Georgia? (I’m NOT flying from Slovakia, nor do I expect Neo to fly from New England – Neo, have you ever been in Georgia?)

The news that many Trump-supporting Republican voters are thinking about not voting for the Rep in the run-off helps the “Republican” SoS take action to verify signatures, and not certify the results.

I, Tom Grey, fully support this tactic as one semi-effective way to push the wimpy Reps in GA to be more anti-fraud active. I claim protests, outside on the street, or possibly in the car, would be even more effective. Merely agreeing to vote Rep in Jan is better than not voting, but continues Rep wimpiness. Republicans lose, Lose, LOSE, if they continue to be wimpy. “Read my lips” wimpy Bush 41.

If Trump loses, and he hasn’t lost yet, how he loses changes the arguments about how to vote. However, even back just before the election, there were many college educated folk who were anti-Trump AND anti-woke:
(Arnold is my second favorite comment blog – I don’t comment on Instapundit much I’ve liked him since Tech Central Station in 2003 or so, just before Neo changed from commenting on Michael Totten’s blog to blogging herself – thanks!)

Here’s my steelman addition:
With Biden as President, and the House controlled by Dems, is it better for the USA to have Dems also control the Senate, or have Reps with divided gov’t? Maybe it’s better that the Dems get 100% responsibility with 100% power. So that everything, for two years, can be blamed on the Dems.

Whenever any of us talk with a Dem, we can remind them that if they have a complaint, it’s the Dems fault.

I wish I could say the Dems “won’t have Trump to kick around anymore”, but I’m sure he’ll be around, and the Dems will be trying to blame him. But not being Pres…
“It’s Trump fault”
“When Trump was Pres., he wasn’t blaming Obama too much for the mess, he started making things better with tax cuts and deregulation. Biden/ Harris is now failing to make things better, they are getting worse.”

The real culture war is Woke – Wokesheviks are busy cancelling those they disagree with … because of Trump. With Biden as Pres., more Republicans and Independents will see the Dems are run by Wokeshevik true believers, and vote Rep in 2022.

Only a big Rep 2022 House and Senate landslide can save the USA.

I don’t quite believe this (20%? 40%?), but I do believe it might be true, and believe it’s the strongest argument for “NOT voting Rep” in GA in the runoff (itself needed only because of early fraud).

Finally, not included above, is that Neo’s prediction, and many, of “never again a free election”, seems unlikely to me, tho also quite plausible (40%).

America will lose its freedom because of laziness; it IS losing its freedom because of laziness. Fighting for freedom, far more then protesting, is hard work, with uncertain outcome.
Germans under commies protested, in hundreds of thousands, in Nov 1989. Successfully. Chinese did too, “too early”, in June of 1989 at Tiananmen, fail. Venezuelans too – so far unsuccessfully.

These 2020 elections were stolen. All freedom loving Americans should be protesting the steal. Even my own blog posting seems impotent and useless relative to the mass protests needed to stop the theft.

Who is stealing the election? The Deep State – gov’t bureaucrats, aided by elected gov’t officials and their non-elected appointees.

Dictatorship of the “nomenklatura” is what the reality of communism is.
Dictatorship of the deep state is what the USA seems headed for.

Published by TomGrey

An American in Slovakia, a libertarian Republican economy oriented pro-life semi-political blogger. Both developed countries and the whole world need a market economy that supports normal families. A voluntary National Service, that offers a job for everyone, is the kind of support a market economy could use.

One thought on “Vote in GA for Reps – altho we need more Rep fighters

  1. Tom – we did protest – there was the Million MAGA March in November, that had a few hundred thousand people in DC. I was there.

    A second protest was held in DC in December – same numbers. Stop the Steal rallies took place all over the country. These were not reported by the MSM. You’re in Europe, so any news sources you follow likely did not cover these. But they happened – I know – I was there in November.

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